Personal Power - How Personal Power Creates Success

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hey this is leo for and in this video we're going to talk about personal power let's talk about what personal power is why it's an important topic in the first place and how you can develop it all right so first let's talk about what is it and why is it important personal power i love this idea because to me in order to go out there and live an amazing kind of life to live the charge life that i talk about to have the feelings in life that you want both the external rewards and the internal feelings of like excitement and fulfillment and happiness and love to get those things i think it's impossible to get those without a real really reasonably high level of personal power personal power what that means to me is your ability to go out there and control your environment but then of course controlling yourself so it's the power that you have it's your willpower it's what you can get accomplished because and you might have noticed this that have you noticed that there are different levels of personal power in different people that you know that you've run across in your in your life and this is very apparent once you once you make this connection is that it's very clear to see on certain people that they just you can point to the guy and say wow that guy has a lot of personal power and you can point at this person here and say no this guy he's got no personal power whatsoever right what's going to be the difference well let's take a look at some examples a guy who has no personal power what is his life going to be like well i would say it's going to look something like this and we're stereotyping but i'm just going to start throwing out stereotypes well he's not going to have his financial situation in place his bank account is going to be at zero maybe even negative he's going to be overdrafted he's going to be using a lot of credit cards and he's going to be struggling to pay the bills he's going to be always worried about money what else well his health is probably going to be very bad he's going to be eating junk food he's going to be eating fast food he's not going to care about his health at all he's going to be at least 20 pounds overweight he's going to be unhealthy for his age he's going to have wrinkles he's going to look bad he's probably going to engage in unhealthy activities like smoking excessive drinking and maybe drugs of various to various degrees and so he's gonna he's gonna have that he's gonna really have a lot of trouble with his health he's also gonna have trouble with relationships because he doesn't have much self-awareness he doesn't have as much personal control so he's gonna have very uh very fragmented relationships very a lot of tension in relationships his relationships tend to be getting like roller coasters big ups and also very big downs and then of course a lot of a big a deep history of broken relationships in the past and maybe even trauma and abuse there both either taking it or receiving it so that will be a problem he's not going to have really any direction in life he's not going to be very self-aware he's not going to have a lot of goals he's not going to be out there being ambitious and pushing himself he's not going to be doing too well in his career he's not really going to have much status in his career because it's impossible to accomplish anything big career-wise without having personal power or working to develop it so he's going to have that area of his life not handled and of course that's not going to really help him with his finances so this pro this person is probably going to be stuck in some very boring low-paying nine-to-five job that has no prospects for uh for improvement or advancement and he's certainly gonna be disgruntled and he's gonna hate the world and he's not gonna really enjoy that job or he's just gonna kind of go through it humming along and really not having any sense of contribution to the world and in fact this idea of impact or contribution to the world is going to be totally foreign to him because he can't even fathom that because he's so overwhelmed by all the problems in his life this person is also going to have a horrible mental state internal mental state he's going to be worrying all the time he's going to be anxious he's always going to be reactive to everything that's happening in his life and this is going to be further deteriorating his health and further deteriorating his relationships and further deteriorating his situation at work for example he might have so many problems in his life that he's always late to work or he's always angry and uh abrupt in relationships or he's totally unconcerned about his health and he's extremely unhealthy so that is the person with no personal power kind of a grim picture right you're probably not quite in that shape i hope you're not if you are well more power to you then you found the right videos and this is a good place to start and then you need a lot more of my help than than i thought you did but let's take a look at the person who has personal power this is the person who is basically the mirror opposite of that person this person has excellent finances he's not worried about his finances because he's making more money than he can spend and he's not spending it that lavishly yet at the same time he's got everything that he wants because he's fulfilled by the things that he's getting then this person has amazing relationships because he's worked on himself he's always developing himself he's apathetic he's understanding other of other people and he's always trying to improve and so over time his relationships get better and better and better doesn't mean he doesn't have problems but it means that he's much more masterful there he's able to control himself he's also much better with his career he's probably on track with a great career his career probably has good prospects he probably enjoys what he's doing and if he really did it right and he has a lot of personal power then he loves what he's doing and he's totally committed to it and it's his life calling he's also probably concerned about his health and he's looking out for his health maybe he's a little bit overweight but he knows that it's an issue and he's working to resolve it or he's extremely fit because he's actually gone through and gone through the process of optimizing his health because he knows that it's important to do that and that the effects of your health will spill over into all the parts of your life and he cares about the quality of his life he's also very grounded internally so he's got willpower he doesn't procrastinate he's not always worrying and overthinking he's calm he's not anxious he's comfortable in himself he's got a pretty good level of confidence and self-esteem and he's able to go out there and set goals for himself and accomplish pretty challenging things once in a while he's able to go out there and do it and sometimes he's really able to make something amazing happen he's able to set a really ambitious goal and do it make it happen spend the time that it needs that needs to be spent and he's able to overcome the emotional challenges involved with getting something pushing something big through like that and he's able to improve his life steadily day after day month after month year after year and he's got a lot of friends because people like that kind of person and they're attracted to him they see something in him that they want for themselves which is the personal power although usually that personal power is not directly envied it's more like the external rewards of the personal power envied but most people don't see through what the external rewards are coming from and that is the personal power so personal power is a matter of mastering yourself it's self-mastery it's mastering your thoughts and your emotions and then that spills out into all the different domains of your life whether it's health business money relationships career anything else so how do you develop it is the question well you develop it through a process through a process it's not something that you can do in one day there's no like one single technique but you develop it by undertaking this process and first you start by saying do you want to have personal power is personal power something that you value do you have a vision of how much personal power are you gonna have five ten fifteen or twenty years from now i do i know that i want as much personal power as i can get because i have big goals for myself i'm ambitious i want to change the world i want to go out there and rock it i want to live an amazing life i want to die with no regrets and to do that i know that i want to be like this guy and i want the power i want the willpower i want control over myself in order to create the kind of life that i want because some of those things i don't have right now and where i started i didn't have good health i had horrible health i didn't have good relationships i had horrible relationships i didn't have any money or or a business so i had to work on that i had to work on all these things and i had bad internal mindsets i had pessimistic thinking negative thinking i was always skeptical and critical and that's where i was and now i'm at a totally different evolved level and that's because i've been doing a lot of develop personal development for about five years and i continue i anticipate continuing going down this road and getting some really amazing results in fact i just think that i i just kind of tapped in to this process even though i've been doing it for about five years i just tapped into it i'm really getting a taste of how awesome it is and i feel like my results are now just starting to accelerate even faster i'm not getting diminishing returns i'm getting accelerating returns from this so this is a process this is the process of self-mastery self-actualization this is why i created is to help people understand that this is out there for them but then to give them the tools to actually go out there and do it that's why i publish these videos so with that i think i'm going to wrap it up here i'm going to sign off this is kind of an intro about personal power if you really are interested in personal power and you want more of it then you got to check out the stuff that i've got at so go ahead comment on this video tell me what you think please share this and like this that's why i release this content for free and then go to subscribe to my newsletter right now if you're interested in personal power you're going to get free videos i'm not going to spam you weekly updates on all the content that i'm publishing and all of this are amazing strategies and techniques that i've really learned over the last five years and i've spent a lot of time studying and interviewing people and coaching other people and experimenting with the stuff on my life to get you the nuggets of what you need to build personal power so all that is on